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I'm Anca. I'm a B2B Sales Pro with a balanced lifestyle and an interest for personal growth.

On this site, we explore insights and actionable tips on B2B Sales, Well-Being and Self Growth. 

Sometimes I send out an email with exciting ideas and media recommendations. Sign up below, and don’t forget to confirm your email address by clicking on the link in the confirmation email.  

Strategies and tools I use at my job, which brought results and stood the test of time. 

Ways to balance your inner state through healthy eating, workout, passion pursuit and leisure time.

Learning area. I explore various topics to better my mind, behaviours and habits. 

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Nail every B2B cold calling session with one simple trick

The trick Call them by their first name, say what you want in the first 15 seconds, add a solid reason for it. That’s the trick. You’re welcome. ☎️ Common scenarios in sales calls Imagine you’re going around with your day, working on something that captures all your attention. Suddenly, the phone rings. A number you don’t recognise. If you’re based in Bucharest and got through the pandemic still somewhat sane, your first thought might be “Oh, is it a delivery?”. You answer the phone. Scenario 1 – Hello? – Good afternoon! My name is Anca Batae and I’m calling you on behalf on cv30. Is this a good time? Aa…who tf…another sales person trying to sell me stuff during my busy day. This is what you will most probably say to yourself and then quickly respond: – No. I’m working. And maybe, just maybe, you add another line to

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