The trick
Call them by their first name, say what you want in the first 15 seconds, add a solid reason for it. That’s the trick. You’re welcome.
☎️ Common scenarios in sales calls
Imagine you’re going around with your day, working on something that captures all your attention. Suddenly, the phone rings. A number you don’t recognise. If you’re based in Bucharest and got through the pandemic still somewhat sane, your first thought might be “Oh, is it a delivery?”. You answer the phone.
Scenario 1
– Hello?
– Good afternoon! My name is Anca Batae and I’m calling you on behalf on cv30. Is this a good time?
Aa…who tf…another sales person trying to sell me stuff during my busy day. This is what you will most probably say to yourself and then quickly respond:
– No. I’m working.
And maybe, just maybe, you add another line to make the rejection more emotionally and/or socially acceptable, like:
– I’ll call you back.
And you both know that’s not going to happen.
Scenario 2
– Hello?
– Good afternoon! My name is Anca Batae and I’m calling you on behalf on cv30. Did you know 80% of our customers [mumbling some statistics the seller considers relevant] and this can also benefit your company? Our service called So&So is considered one of the most powerful tool to…bla bla bla
The same thoughts go through your mind and you just cut the conversation short.
Scenario 3
– Hello?
– Hello, Mr. ….. My name is Anca Batae and I’m calling you on behalf of cv30. How are you?
Really? Really now? You’ve interrupted my day to ask me how do I feel today? What does this person want from me!?
Complete turn off…bye bye.
Now that’s what most salespeople do on their first calls and those are the more common and completely normal reactions of anyone who would suddenly get interrupted from any activity to answer to a phone call.
💪 Why the trick works
I asked you to imagine you are the person answering the phone. When thinking about how to approach someone during a cold call, the first step is to put yourself in their shoes.
An interruption during the day abruptly switches your attention. You want to know what’s going on as fast as possible. You don’t need stories, you don’t need random statistics and you certainly don’t want to chat about your feelings with a complete stranger.
Whenever you answer your phone and you reckon it might be a salesperson your level of trust drops almost instantly. You already know they’ll start mumbling stuff you’re not interested in, making you waste your time and challenging your internal balance.
As a salesperson, go with the counterintuitive approach: DON’T waste their time, DON’T mumble, DON’T give them cues to distrust you even more.
When you call someone by their first name you capture their attention. This is basic human nature.
If you then add the exact and truthful intention of your phone call, you slide through the walls of resistance people automatically build when thinking “Oh no, she’s got me, now I have to make up a solid excuse for not wanting to listen to sales pitches in the middle of the day.”
Finally, if you use “because…” and continue with giving a reason, chances are you will get what you asked for.
Here’s a study on why using the word because and attaching a reason to your request, no matter how dumb, increases the chances you actually get it: The Power of the Word “Because” to Get People to Do Stuff
It should go something like this:
– Hello, Adrian. My name is Anca, I’m calling you on behalf of cv30. I called you to set up a short online meeting next week, because I saw you have a new product launch and our company specialises in promoting brands like yours to your exact target audience.
*round of applause*
✅ Other tips to consider
Your voice should be calm and confident. It helps to speak with a slight smile.
Rehearse your speech until you can deliver it flawlessly.
Know when to shut up. Ask, give a “because”, then stay silent. Let your prospect respond.
Think thoroughly about what you are going to say. Take your time to come up with 1-2 fully customised ideas regarding your prospects’ business.
Have something valuable to give, don’t rely only on the success of your confident ask.
💭 Final thoughts
Does it work like magic?
You will still need to be able to answer any follow up questions and adapt your speech to any situation that might arise. Practice makes perfect.
Nevertheless, using this trick will increase the likelihood to actually be given the chance to talk, propose and get what you ask for.